Take the First Step Toward Your Future
The central library is a store house of knowledge and information with over 2,500 books.
Extensive library service in the form of books, journals together with systematic use of audio-visual aids is available to help the students in their learning process.

Demonstration rooms with smart board facility are a part of each department.
Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in the campus and outside. The UGC regulations on “Curbing the Manaus of Ragging in Higher Educational Institution 2009” (as amended) and the MCI (prevention and prohibition ragging in medical colleges/ Institution). Regulation of 2009. The Anti-Ragging Committee (Review Committee) is formed to look into this matter who will keep vigilance over the students to prevent any sort of ragging in the college, Hospital, Hostels and the campus as a whole. According to Government order “Ragging” in any form is a “Criminal Offence” if any students are involved in ragging, action will be taken against him/her including restriction from the institution along with criminal proceedings.
During the course of studies, the students will be sent for an educational field trip. Expenses will be borne by the students.
Yearly twice parents teacher meeting will be conducted to discuss the academic and non academic progress of the candidate.
In view of the main aim of educational as the total development of the person, a number of opportunities are provided for the students to develop their skills and talents at various levels of participation at local, state and national conference as permitted by the institution. Beside these, opportunities to develop talents in Music, Dance, Indoor & Outdoor Games are also provided.
Where any student applies for discontinuance or without any application discontinues on his/her own, from the course to which he/she has been admitted, for any reason, at any stage, such students will have to remit the tuition fee and other applicable fees for the entire/ remaining course period. Unless until payment of all the prescribed fees is made then only they will receive their original certificates deposited with the institution at the time of admission. All students and parents will be required to furnish a declaration agreeing to the above said condition at time of admission.
Individual application form for each course. Prospectus and application form to be procured at Vijaya Educational Academy on payment of Rs. 1000/- or the same can be downloaded from the website (www.vijayahospital.org)
Downloaded application form to be filled and submitted to the mentioned address along with the payment of Rs. 1000/- vide Demand Draft. Until the students submit all the original mark statement, transfer certificates. Migration certificate, eligibility certificate, community certificate (if applicable) to the college office for verification admission on to the college is provisional. If the candidate is found ineligible as per the eligibility criteria, the admission will be canceled and fees paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
After the final interview, selected applicants have to pay their course fees within two days if not the next candidate on the waiting list shall be admitted in the order of merit. Application received after the due date and postal delay will not be considered for any reason.
Any attempt on the part of a candidate to the institute or person in the institute directly or indirectly will be rejected. The selection committees of the institution shall be final in the matter of selection of the candidate for admission to the various course & no appeal shall be entertained on the subject.
Selection of each student will be submitted to medical fitness.
The application should be filled in the prescribed form and attach Xerox copy of 10th and 12th mark statement and submit to
The principal,
Vijaya Educational Academy,
No:323, NSK salai,
Vadapalani, Chennai – 600 026.
Phone no: 044-42013361
Email: alliedhs2011@gmail.com